Monday, November 1, 2010

Another Kind of Hoarding

Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go.

-- Sylvia Robinson

Have you ever known someone who saves all their stuff because they “might need it someday”? Maybe it’s an innocent case of holding on to clothing in the hopes of one day fitting again. Or the person who smoothes out every piece of used wrapping paper, refolds every sheet of tissue paper, and holds on to every gift bag so it can be reused someday (guilty!). Then there are the severe cases, a self-destructive way of living where the person becomes incapable of letting go of anything, even throwing out the trash would be a devastating loss. It is a disorder that is very confusing and difficult to understand.

What I am here to talk about today is another type of hoarding. This one doesn’t have its own reality show (yet), but it’s equally confusing and just as difficult to understand why we do it.

The good news is you don’t need a doctor to make a diagnosis, and actually, this is one of those times it’s safe to go ahead and self-diagnose.

What I am referring to is Internal Hoarding. It is the hoarding of our natural gifts and talents, hoarding our specialized knowledge and insights.  It is holding on to ideas or information that could assist others. Are we hiding our inner most dreams and stashing-away our hopes and desires.  Or is it that we are holding on to a false self-image or belief, never bothering to question its truth?

Maybe you’re in a position at work were you could take someone under your wing and help grow their success, but feel too threatened to do it? Are you a closet artist, the kind that keeps all your art work behind closed doors, fearing what others may think? Do you quietly sit back keeping your opinions to yourself, only to feel disappointed that you didn’t have the courage to have your voice? Have you always had a strong feeling of what you should be doing, but continue to ignore it?

Sometimes our grasp is so tightly wrapped around what is ours...believing that it is only meant for us.

What keeps us from sharing what’s ours?

What If I were to help someone else, they might beat me out of an opportunity or look better than me. What if someone was to criticize my artwork, I would take it so personal, after all the work is a part of me. My dreams are just too far-fetched, there’s no way it’ll ever happen to me. I don’t think I’m as smart as everyone else, so I keep my opinions and ideas to myself.

What are you holding onto right now that could really help someone out? It’s time to share our dreams with someone who will encourage and assist us on our journey, or expose that side of ourselves that just might surprise others?

"Someday" is today!  There's no better time to start cleaning the piles!