Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, wouldn't it stand to reason that....

so is everything else that we believe.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy New Year...

Yes, I am very aware that toady is not January 1, but it’s a day that’s just as equally important. Today is February 1, 2011….and that means that it has been exactly one year since February 1, 2010.

And why this is important?

The truth is for many of us, we often look at January as a fresh start, an opportunity to get focused and set goals for ourselves, a time to reflect on our lives and on how it’s been working…..or not!

January tends to generate a lot of excitement. We are fired-up about the list we’ve constructed and we are anxious to get moving. We jump in, tackling goals and then crossing them off with a sense of accomplishment.

We are taking charge of lives, 2011 is going to be the year!

Then the kids catch a cold, then we catch a cold, then we get some snow, then things get postponed and rescheduled, then a coworker comes to work sick, then we get sick, then we get some more snow, and then before you know it….it’s February 1st!

Like snot in a tissue, so were our intentions……


Just as January brings much excitement, the months that follow can sometimes bring discouragement. We are disappointed in ourselves because we didn’t achieve what we set out to do. Things didn’t go quite the way we had planned.

But you know what, what else could we expect?

It’s the middle of winter, we’re cooped-up inside, there are a lot of dreary days, and everyone is doing their best to stay healthy. Not to mention we’re still working, we still have our families, and we still have busy lives. But yet we beat ourselves up when we can’t get to these “new” goals we have thrown into the equation!

But hey, I’ve got great news for you, today is February 1st !

Let’s take advantage of this opportunity. Instead of making a list of goals, let’s prioritize what is most important in our lives. Or instead of wanting more stuff, we can focus on being grateful for everything we already have. Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to set some boundaries in some areas that need attention….or possibly less of your attention.

Set yourself up for success, make sure your intentions are achievable so you can build on the momentum. This is a very important step. Sometimes we set the bar so high that we are bound to fail, we then beat-up on ourselves, become discouraged, and then throw in the towel.

So get out there and get some successes under your belt, feel proud of yourself and what you are accomplishing. Your new found enthusiasm will be just what the doctor ordered. And when things start to get comfortable or easy, that could be a sign that it’s time to raise the bar, but again, if you need an extension ladder to reach it, you’ve gone too far!

Just so you know, there’s a good chance the snow’s not finished and that the bugs are still creeping around, but don’t throw in the towel. As long as you continue to wake up each morning, let that be all the confirmation needed…..opportunity awaits!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Snow Day....or 2

Flush ice cubes down the toilet, wear your pants inside-out and backward, and don’t forget to place a spoon in a glass of water before you go to bed! If you have kids you know exactly what I’m referring to.

Oh, just a few of the proven methods for getting a snow day, and this time it worked so well that we actually tweaked out 2!

For a kid could there be anything more exciting than a snow day?

We know the answer is yes, there could be. It would be the excitement of the drive into work for those who didn’t have the luxury of staying home! Fortunately for me, I am not speaking from experience this time around, I was lucky enough to get to stay indoors these past few days.

Snow days are like Christmas and the summer (for me), they bring up so many childhood memories and feelings. That excitement and anticipation of what was to come, those carefree days where you get to sleep in and be lazy, or just the simple fact that I did not have to go to school was good enough for me.

A snow day could look something like this:

Once you were up, you gather all your gear and head out to find the biggest hill in walking distance, which would have been my cousins and their neighbor’s backyard, and then you went sled riding for hours, literally. And more times than not, there were a few good fights with my brothers and sisters, and I am not referring to snow ball fights, I mean fist fights! And about an hour after you reached the point where you couldn’t feel your fingers and toes anymore, we’d decide it was time to head back home. You then trudge through the house with your wet boots, dropping all your wet clothes right where you know mom wants them…in the middle of the floor, then get yourself a blanket and fight over who gets to sit on which register….of course while drinking a cup of hot chocolate! Ahhh, the good old days!

I have already passed these traditions down to my own children!

Oh yeah, can’t forget the video games, ipods, and eating popcorn!

And for those who were wondering, no, we (meaning me and my husband) don't typically dress our dog in clothes, but the kids sure love to!  As I have said in previous posts, that's just something that she'll need to tolerate because they're the ones who play with her!  And for those who might have been worried.....

Yes, Abby still has her beloved soccer ball!

Happy Snow Day!

Friday, January 14, 2011

All We Need Is...

I have a hunch. I would guess that anyone who lived through the 60's, anyone who has grown up in the house of someone living through the 60’s, or frankly, just about anyone living could inserted the same word to finish off this statement.

I just asked my 9 and 11 year old, and even they did! Although they don’t know the originator, they did know the word I was fishing for. I would guess that it’s made its way into commercials, movies, documentaries, and has been honored by many artists over the years. It is a clear and easy message that can be understood by all.

All we need is…


To give and receive love is imperative for the growth and survival of human beings, it is absolutely necessary for a healthy lifestyle, and love provides the nurturing that each of us needs-no matter what our age. Love comes naturally…

Or so they say.

If this were the truth, then why is our world filled with so many struggling, hurt, resentful, depressed, and angry individuals?

Now I’m no PhD or doctor of any sort, I’m not a licensed therapist or counselor, and I’m not even a degreed teacher at any level… but I think I’m going to take a crack at this one.

They forgot to tell us!

Do you remember way back when we were in elementary school learning the basic needs that every human needs for survival? Well I just figured out that somehow all of our text books had a misprint…and no one caught it! (Boy, I’d hate to be the one who was responsible for that!) So I did a little research and found the missing information, feel free to pass it on to anyone that you think may need the update!

Love is acceptance and respect for each other and our individual preferences. Love is investing in ourselves and others enough to say we matter. Love is showing compassion.

Love is living. Living is learning, growing, thriving, and contributing. Contributing is being a part of each others lives, playing a role in our communities’, it’s paying it forward and giving back. When we give back it shows we care, it shows what we’re dedicated and committed to. And when we stand by our commitments we are a living example of what’s possible.

Because of love we experience joy, satisfaction and pleasure.

Because of love we experience sadness, disappointment and struggle.

It’s all one in the same.

This is life.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Are You Ready to Come Out and Face Another Year?

Happy New Year!

As I reflect back on 2010 I realize how truly blessed I am. I have a family that I love more than anything (and they even love me back!), I have a successful career with the greatest clients ever, I have a bazillion friends that love and support me, and a year that has provided more than its fair share of exciting opportunities. What more could I ask for!

It is my intention that this year will be even better, and it’s already proving to be true, even though we’re only a few days into it. I will share my secret for achieving such quick success, but under one condition. You don’t keep it a secret!

This time I’m not going to wait around until 2012 to reflect back on how great my life is. I’m going to do it right now, I’m going to do it each day!

It is my intention that today will be the best day ever. Today I am blessed and grateful for all that I have. Each day that I open my eyes I am aware of the gift that I have been given…one more opportunity to be the best that I can and to be present and available for those around me. Today is one more chance to witness and participate in the miracles that are taking place every moment.

And I have also concluded, the more aware I become, the more corny I become! But man, it does seem that the older I get, the more I realize just how precious life is. And I don’t want to spoil one more minute!

So here's to a great day! 
