Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's behind the meaning?

I am someone who is frequently looking up the meaning of words. I tend to use an actual book instead of the dictionary right here on my computer! There is something that I love about holding a book, paging through it, marking it, cross-referencing or just picking random pages and reading the words on it. As corny as it may sound, I just love my books!

A lot of times I am looking up words that I commonly use. They are words that flow naturally, without a bat of the eye or a second thought. But yet, I feel I have lost sight of their true meanings. Or maybe it’s that I say a word, and it just doesn’t sound right. Then I say it again, and it sounds even stranger. Then I say it so many times that it makes absolutely no sense, leaving me to question whether it’s even a word!

So, you guessed it, I’m starting out by looking up a few words and their meanings. Then I’ll write about how I/we interpret the meaning and what impact does it make on our lives.

Starting with values, here are some of the key words/points that I found: Worth, importance or usefulness of something or somebody, the standards of a person or group, to regard something highly. I also like to use the children’s dictionary because the definitions are easily interpreted and straight to the point! Here is what I found there: Peoples values are their beliefs and ideas about what is most important in their life. Now that pretty well sums it up! It is what I believe to be most important, in my life! Interesting, this sounds as if it could be different for us all.

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