Friday, January 21, 2011

A Snow Day....or 2

Flush ice cubes down the toilet, wear your pants inside-out and backward, and don’t forget to place a spoon in a glass of water before you go to bed! If you have kids you know exactly what I’m referring to.

Oh, just a few of the proven methods for getting a snow day, and this time it worked so well that we actually tweaked out 2!

For a kid could there be anything more exciting than a snow day?

We know the answer is yes, there could be. It would be the excitement of the drive into work for those who didn’t have the luxury of staying home! Fortunately for me, I am not speaking from experience this time around, I was lucky enough to get to stay indoors these past few days.

Snow days are like Christmas and the summer (for me), they bring up so many childhood memories and feelings. That excitement and anticipation of what was to come, those carefree days where you get to sleep in and be lazy, or just the simple fact that I did not have to go to school was good enough for me.

A snow day could look something like this:

Once you were up, you gather all your gear and head out to find the biggest hill in walking distance, which would have been my cousins and their neighbor’s backyard, and then you went sled riding for hours, literally. And more times than not, there were a few good fights with my brothers and sisters, and I am not referring to snow ball fights, I mean fist fights! And about an hour after you reached the point where you couldn’t feel your fingers and toes anymore, we’d decide it was time to head back home. You then trudge through the house with your wet boots, dropping all your wet clothes right where you know mom wants them…in the middle of the floor, then get yourself a blanket and fight over who gets to sit on which register….of course while drinking a cup of hot chocolate! Ahhh, the good old days!

I have already passed these traditions down to my own children!

Oh yeah, can’t forget the video games, ipods, and eating popcorn!

And for those who were wondering, no, we (meaning me and my husband) don't typically dress our dog in clothes, but the kids sure love to!  As I have said in previous posts, that's just something that she'll need to tolerate because they're the ones who play with her!  And for those who might have been worried.....

Yes, Abby still has her beloved soccer ball!

Happy Snow Day!

1 comment:

  1. Cute, nicely written, fun to read. Nice pictures, the whole package, great job Julie.
