Friday, April 23, 2010

Drama Queen

The verdict’s in. Unless anyone comes forth with additional information or any new evidence stating otherwise, we can now put this case to rest. Its official, my daughter Emma is guilty of being a drama queen! Now of course being one of her parents, I already knew this to be true, but now her friends have stuck her with this label.

Of the many challenges that I have faced so far during parenthood, I think this has to be one of the hardest. I want what any parent wants, to see my kids to grow to be healthy, happy, creative, caring and compassionate individuals. To be confident in themselves and know that it’s ok to have an opinion that may be different than others. But there’s this other thing too, and if I’m being honest, it’s what I want even more badly. I want them to fit in, I want them to be liked and have friends, to have someone to sit with at lunch and on the bus, to have kids who want to play with them at recess, to be picked for a team and not be last, I want them to actually want to go to school every day. Is it too much to ask for all these things?

Of course not! You’re not crazy to want all these things for your kids, but you are crazy if you believe they will all happen! Oh come on, you really didn’t believe you would be the exception, did you? Oh sorry, I wasn’t talking you, I was talking to me. Yeah, I did think I would be the exception, but maybe you did too!

So in some weird sort of way, Emma being a drama queen is proof that I have raised my children to believe these things to be true about themselves. But even kids aren’t exempt from ridicule and judgment. They soon learn that being different and not going with the flow can lead to name calling and bullying. As much as I want to protect her from all these things, I know that if I did, I would be robbing her of all the valuable lessons and opportunities that are coming her way.

I don’t have the words to describe how it felt when she came to me last night and thanked me for suggesting that she apologize to her friend. She was genuinely grateful. First off, I was shocked that she was even listening when we talked. Second, I can’t believe she actually took my advice. She apologized, even though she didn’t think she was wrong. WOW, I love that girl!

And just to set the record straight, Emma is really only a Drama Princess. I am the real Drama Queen in this house!

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