Monday, October 18, 2010

Our God-Given's

Would you agree that we all possess qualities that are individually unique and that we each have at least one talent that just comes naturally? Have you ever wondered why you have a strong conviction for a specific cause when others may have no interest at all? Do you recognize that you have a specialized ability for something that others are incapable of doing? Often we hear these unexplained gifts referred to as our “God-given gifts”.

I think it is obvious when someone is using (living) these so called God-given’s. They typically possess a drive or enthusiasm, that can make you feel…well, down-right jealous or envious. What is it that keeps them committed, what makes them so certain that they are following the right path? What takes them the extra mile regardless of where it ends up?

I think the answer is simple, but not necessarily easy.

They trust.

They bought into it. You know how it is when you just have a feeling that there is something that you need to do, you may not want to do it, but your gut tells you that you have to do it. Sometimes you get immediate confirmation that you did the right thing, when other times it may take a while. There are even those times when we don’t receive any feed-back, possibly leaving us to guess whether or not we did the right thing.

It is simple. If you trust the messages (signs, inklings, nudges, or whatever you want to call them) from God, then know there is nothing that goes unnoticed.

But it’s not always easy. Sometimes it can be hard to have faith in knowing that you are right where you are needed and where you are suppose to be, even when it’s not necessarily where you want to be.

I believe when we are using our God-given abilities, we will find ourselves frequently in unchartered territory. We are trusted, because we have trusted. When we have the courage to do what our heart is calling on us to do, we will constantly be rewarded with yet another situation, where we’ll be faced with yet another decision.

Well…what’s it gonna be?

1 comment:

  1. Julie,

    Great post, it appears you are trusting your "God Given" talent for sharing your insights.

